Friday, June 27, 2014

Interaction with Salt Lake City police after officer shot dog

He is absolutely right! something needs to be done about the increasing amount of Paranoid,overzealous Police officers that are increasing in numbers in the United States.

 Every day, rouge police overreact, causing pain and suffering to those they were sworn to protect.

 Instead of policing their own,they seem to bend to peer pressure of the police brotherhood and accept or ignore their comrades wrong doings.

 Yes I realize the world is full of Bad Guys and precautions need to be taken,but for God sakes "USE SOME COMMON SENSE" This man showed much more restraint than I or many others would have.

 My heart goes out to this man, and others whom unfortunately  have suffered the loss of their Beloved pet, friend and companion, at the hands of those who are Unqualified and grossly negligent in upholding the Law, as it was meant to be upheld.

Peace Brother,God Bless

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Who's offensive who wow's?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Richard Thompson - 1952 Vincent Black Lightning

I Love this song for whatever reason. It just hits me in the heart. Old school bike,in another time. True loves, a sweet soulful women and the bike of bikes.The Vincent