Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Blood and the Fury Within

Have you ever felt Trapped,stuck,unsure,wary,weary,*Anxious*devoid of clear decesion? This is where I am at this moment in time,having caused rifts in the waters of life,a wake upon the shores.wanting the journey to end,to find that one final place of peace on earth before the Grande master makes the decesion of my final resting arena and we compare notes and I am shown the ultimate in humbled arrogance.
I am missing the one true love of my wife,whom I have loved with a passion,at times,regertfully,painfully, betrayed,at times taken for grated,yet she has has stayed,with only her unconditional love as anchor.Why is it we hurt the ones we love,and the ones whom love us most?I am just a man,who's decesions are made with the best of heart,sometimes blind by the struggle of the inner selves.Yes Selves.For I have always had the good vs evil,the call to show strength in any advent,with the counter of softness of heart to battle.a collosion and fight that comes before I see it,overwhelming and blinding,but now less erratic,less inconspicuous,but on ocassion,it rises .An upon the rising it weilds the swords of a blind man with his 6th sense primed for destruction,raging,slashing,a marksman that has but one goal,and that goal is victory.Have no mercy is this Tempest's motto,kill or be killed,he lives to see the slain suffer.He wants his blood and the blood he will see through the his path of darkness....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just Bullsit

Deacde five and if I wake tomorrow still enhaling atmosphere of whatever life sustaible type,tomorrow will be a good day
I am tired,I am always tired working 12,16,20 hrs a day everyday,Insane ?I thinks so or no maybe I don't.No matter it is what it is my choice,my life,my sacrafice and the sacrifice of those about me.
Im good at what I do I don't mix well with the corporate paint,the color of the ones who set the Bar,who proclaim how it should be done,and by whom,
 Someday I would love to meet the Omega,the first of the Proclaimers,The one whom first dreamt,then  devloped "The Bar" we all are to strive to  raise,there must be an Omega,certainly someone had to lead the TEAM,to audiance his vision,to delegate into the corporate communities like a mesiahs pledge to the affinities.
Ah they are the "THEYS" you know who I mean,"They said it is" ,so it must be!!!
They,the Omegas disciples  ,the ones with the stick,the ones who hire,fire set and enforce the standards of production,effecientcy,corporate edicate,protocals,dress codes,The standards man the standards!!!

 I don't need "They" to tell me which way the wind blows,if its balck or white,if it will work or won't becuse "They" watched me "They" set me to do their deeds."They" duplicated me,admired me,fed me,cloaned me in their image..took the A model and warped it diluded it to some morf of me,then discarded me like a wild infestation to their world.
 But what "They got" was some sick imitation of the Real workable genius,and one day their warped,maniulated copies of me and others "The Machine" used to Raise their Bar ,will my friend come to "Hand their ass" to them.
 And thats when I want to meet the Omega,and his disciples ,,.When there efficient,productive world comes crumbling down around around their self rightious,Pompus, arrogant asses .
 I will smile,as I pick the bar from the ashes,wink and say,How did that work out for:) You Fucks!